Chad Wilkinson, USN – Rest in Peac

For time:
1,000 Box Steps ups (20″)
– If you have a 45lb/25lb pack, wear it

30 Minute AMRAP
Box Steps ups (20″)
– At the top each minute, except the start of the workout, rest :20
– If you have a 45lb/25lb pack, wear it

TIME CAP: 70 Minutes

Duration: Long (45-70 minutes)
Volume : High
Loading: Light/body weight

*White Board Chat:*
“Dedicated to Chad Michael Wilkinson of the US Navy who died on October 29, 2018, in Virginia Beach on active duty after 22 years of service.

CrossFit Games Director, Dave Castro posted this workout in memory of Chad, who was a friend. Castro said: ‘A few weeks ago we lost an American hero. A friend of mine and someone I worked with when I was in the Navy. At his funeral his wife mentioned that he did 1000 step ups for time with a 45 pound pack on a 20″ box to train for climbing Mt Aconcagua. Tonight I did this workout with @jameshobart @apbozman and @jimi.letchford. We did it as a celebration of his life and to honor his memory. If you are looking for something to do this weekend give this one a go and keep Chad in mind.’”

This is not meant to be easy, since it is a hero workout. Obviously if we do not have a perfect 20” box to step up on, enough weight for your pack, or if you have a weight vest, just do the best you can with this one. If we don’t have an hour to workout, do a 30 minute AMRAP. The point of this is to show solidarity with the loved-ones Chad leaves behind. His wife is a member of the CrossFit HQ Seminar Staff team, and has been a friend and mentor to me over the years. So dig deep on this one and give thanks for all we have in these trying times and for those who have sacrificed so greatly.

For Chad.


1000 walking lunge steps

1. Box step ups
– If we know that 1,000 is out of the cards and or we do not have the time today to dedicate towards 1000, perform 500
– If performing them loaded is out of the cards, perform them unloaded
– If we have an injury or limitation that will prevent us from stepping up onto a box/whatever we are stepping up on, step up on something smaller, and perform 100 steps for quality as long as pain-free range of motion is achievable. If its not – save this one for when we are healthy.